影视:四海重明电视剧免费观看完整版,讲述了 "
[1] Burton Watson,The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu.New York:Columbia University Press,1968,p.27.
[2] 引自罗拔·德基:《墨子兼爱与多玛斯·默灯:一些联想和随想》,李绍崑译,《哈尔滨师专学报》,1995(2),4页。
[3] 引自罗拔·德基:《墨子兼爱与多玛斯·默灯:一些联想和随想》,李绍崑译,《哈尔滨师专学报》,1995(2),4页。
[4] See Thomas Merton,The Way of Chuang Tzu,Boston:Shambhala publications,1992,p.xiii.
[5] William Shannon(ed.),The Hidden Ground of Love:The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns.New York:Farrar,Straus & Giroux,1985,p.623.(原文:You have taken him by the forelocks not by the tails.I swear that I am not often flattering when I say that this is exactly what Chuang Tzu would write had he learned English。)